Watch Rewards aren’t just for Worlds anymore Riot Games Watch Rewards were introduced into League of Legends just last year as a part of the 2018 World Championships. They awarded players with a small amount of tokens for checking out games during Worlds. This year, Watch Rewards are back and there will be different versions for several of the world’s biggest leagues. The rewards this time around will include Emotes, Icons, XP, and Blue Essence. Just like during Worlds, players will be required to watch either live games or VoDs on after signing in with their League login information. Players will need to watch at least 10 minutes of a game or VOD in order to get credit for the missions. The rewards will be available in the following regions on the date listed: Brazil — Jan. 11 Turkey — Jan. 13 Latin America, Europe, North America, Oceania, and Japan — Jan. 17 According to Riot, the addition of Watch Rewards for the re...
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League of Legends patch 9.1 change list
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A balance patch with focus on Kalista, Ornn and Sejuani
Happy New Year! Since it’s 2019 and season 9 starts soon, we’re now in the 9.x patch cycle. It’s time for more League of Legends.
9.1 has big changes for three champions that are constantly in weird places: Kalista, Ornn and Sejuani. Kalista is getting general stat and skill damage buffs in exchange for the removal of her W’s passive, which let her do more damage when her Oathsworn partner was around. Ornn is getting buffs to his base stats and to his item upgrades and his shop is disappearing entirely. Sejuani is getting a bunch of tweaks, mainly buffs, but her Permafrost is getting a nerf to its crowd control.)
A bunch of other champions are getting smaller scaled tweaks to their ratios and stats, including Nasus who now gains a whopping 12 stacks per big minion or monster. Is it time to jungle with the dog?
Blood Moon Sivir, Pyke and Aatrox are also releasing this patch, with a Prestige skin coming for Aatrox. It’s unknown as of writing this how Aatrox will be unlocked.
As usual, you can check our Riot’s full notes here and our tl;dr here.
Base AD, AD growth, attack speed growth increased; W Oathsworn AD bonus removed. Q damage increased. E deals less damage to epic monsters.
Base Stats
ATTACK SPEED GROWTH :: 3.5% >>> 4%
Q - Pierce
BASE DAMAGE :: 10/70/130/190/250 >>> 20/85/150/215/280
W - Sentinel
[REM] OATHSWORN EMPOWERMENT :: Kalista no longer gains 5/10/15/20/25 attack damage while her Oathsworn is nearby
E - Rend
[NEW] WEAK GRIP :: Rend now deals 50% damage to epic monsters
Base durability increased. Ornn’s items upgrade at level 13 (2 max); he can upgrade one ally’s item per level at level 14+. More upgrades added. Q cost, damage, slow decreased. W doesn’t shield but makes Ornn unstoppable. R slow, knockup decreased.
Base Stats
HEALTH GROWTH :: 90 >>> 95
BASE HEALTH REGEN :: 1.4 >>> 1.8
HEALTH REGEN GROWTH :: 0.14 >>> 0.18
ARMOR GROWTH :: 3 >>> 4
Passive - Living Forge
[NEW] CALLOUSED HANDS :: Ornn now gains 10% additional armor and magic resist from items
[NEW] TRADE KNOWLEDGE :: At level 13, any upgradable item Ornn owns or purchases for the rest of the game is upgraded for free (Ornn can have up to two upgraded items)
[NEW] BENEFACTOR :: At each level from 14 onward, Ornn can upgrade one of his ally’s upgradable items by getting within 600 range of them and clicking on them (allies can only have one upgraded item)
[REM] PURCHASE ORDER :: Ornn and his allies can no longer pay to upgrade their items
[NEW] ITEMS :: Ornn can upgrade new items! Bonuses listed below:
Frozen Fist
ARMOR :: 65 >>> 95
MANA :: 500 >>> 700
Youmuu’s Wraithblade
ATTACK DAMAGE :: 55 >>> 75
LETHALITY :: 18 >>> 25
Might of the Ruined King
ATTACK DAMAGE :: 40 >>> 55
ATTACK SPEED :: 25% >>> 40%
Luden’s Pulse
ABILITY POWER :: 90 >>> 120
MANA :: 600 >>> 850
Q - Volcanic Rupture
COST :: 55 mana >>> 45 mana
BASE DAMAGE :: 20/50/80/110/140 >>> 20/45/70/95/120
SLOW :: 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 40% at all ranks
W - Bellows Breath
[REM] SHIELD :: No longer shields Ornn for 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.4 bonus armor)(+0.4 bonus magic resist)
[NEW] UNSTOPPABLE :: Ornn is now unstoppable during W
COOLDOWN :: 14 seconds >>> 12 seconds
DURATION :: 1 second (ticks every 0.2 seconds ) >>> 0.75 seconds (ticks every 0.15 seconds)
SELF-SLOW :: 50% >>> 35%
BRITTLE PROC DAMAGE :: 7%-12% target’s maximum health (levels 1-18) >>> 12%-20.5% target’s maximum health (levels 1-18)
E - Searing Charge
COST :: 50 mana at all ranks >>> 35/40/45/50/55 mana
[NEW] JUST A LITTLE LONGER :: If a Q pillar is about to expire when Ornn casts E, it now lasts until Ornn’s dash completes
R - Call of the Forge God
FIRST CAST SLOW :: 40/60/80% >>> 10% scaling up to 40/60/80% based on distance traveled
SECOND CAST KNOCKUP :: 1.5 seconds on all enemies hit >>> 1 second on the first enemy hit, 0.5 seconds on enemies hit past the first
Base durability increased. Passive grants fewer stats but lasts longer. Q damage increased. W2 damage increased but slow falls off immediately. E deals more damage but range and stun decreased.
Base Stats
HEALTH GROWTH :: 88 >>> 105
BASE ARMOR :: 31 >>> 34
ARMOR GROWTH :: 3 >>> 4.25
BASE MAGIC RESIST :: 27.1 >>> 32.1
MAGIC RESIST GROWTH :: 0.75 >>> 1.25
Passive - Fury of the North
FROST ARMOR RESISTANCES :: 20/70/120 armor and magic resist (+100% total armor and magic resist) >>> 20 armor and magic resist (+25% bonus armor and magic resist)
FROST ARMOR LINGER :: 2 seconds >>> 3 seconds
Q - Arctic Assault
BASE DAMAGE :: 60/90/120/150/180 >>> 80/120/160/200/240
W - Winter’s Wrath
SECOND HIT BASE DAMAGE :: 30/65/100/135/170 >>> 30/70/110/150/190
SECOND HIT SLOW DURATION :: Normalized to 0.25 seconds (previously, could last slightly longer depending on server timing)
E - Permafrost
STUN DURATION :: 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 seconds >>> 1 second at all ranks
RANGE :: 850 >>> 600
DAMAGE :: 20/35/50/65/80 >>> 40/80/120/160/200 (Icebreaker damage upon shattering a stunned target unchanged)
E grants assists if enemies were previously unseen.
Q - Ranger’s Focus
HEY! :: Ability icon border now flashes when Q is castable at max stacks
E - Hawkshot
I HELPED :: Ashe now gains assist credit if a previously-unseen enemy is killed within 10 seconds of being revealed by Hawkshot
W cast time now scales with attack speed.
W - Zap!
CAST TIME :: 0.6 seconds >>> 0.6 - 0.4 seconds, based on attack speed (caps at 250% bonus attack speed, including bonus from Switcheroo!)
Q+E combo can now be buffered.
E - Acceleration Gate
BUFFERING :: If Jayce casts Acceleration Gate during Shock Blast’s cast time, he’ll now ignore movement commands until both abilities have been cast
E teleports immediately; cast time now entirely post-teleport. Hextech Gunblade’s active can be buffered.
E - Shunpo
CAST TIME :: 0.075 seconds before teleporting and 0.075 seconds after teleporting >>> 0.15 seconds after teleporting (Katarina now teleports immediately upon pressing E)
BUFFERING :: Katarina can now buffer Hextech Gunblade’s active to fire after Shunpo’s cast time completes
Q stacks from large kills increased.
Q - Siphoning Strike
LARGE KILL STACKS :: 6 per champion, large minion, or large monster kill >>> 12 per champion, large minion, or large monster kill
Champion hits don’t reduce Q’s damage.
Q - Boomerang Blade
DAMAGE FALLOFF :: Hitting an enemy champion no longer decreases Boomerang Blade’s damage against subsequent targets (tooltip will be updated in 9.2)
Q cooldown reduced while R is active.
R - Final Hour
[NEW] KEEP ROLLIN :: Tumble’s cooldown is reduced by 50% while Final Hour is active (reminder: Tumble’s cooldown doesn’t start until Vayne fires the empowered attack)
E root duration increased.
E - Bladecaller
ROOT DURATION :: 1 second >>> 1.25 seconds
Q+W and E+W combos can now be buffered.
W - Rampant Growth
BUFFERING :: If Zyra casts Rampant Growth during Deadly Spines’ or Grasping Roots’ cast times, she’ll now ignore movement commands until both abilities have been cast
Unenchanted jungle items reduce gold received from minions if their owner has too much minion gold.
MONSTER HUNTER :: Hunter’s Machete, Hunter’s Talisman, unenchanted Stalker’s Blade, and unenchanted Skirmisher’s Sabre now reduce minion gold earned by 10 per minion if their owner’s gold from minions is greater than half their gold from monsters
Attack speed bonus higher early; lower late. Attack resets no longer consume a stack.
ATTACK SPEED BONUS :: 75-125% (levels 1-18) >>> 110% at all levels
[NEW] HAILSTORM :: Attacks that benefit from an attack reset (ex. Jax’s W - Empower) no longer consume a Hail of Blades stack
Local gold proximity radius on turret takedown increased. Additional radius for assists added.
ASSIST RADIUS :: Champions within 2500 range who assisted in a turret takedown now also count toward local turret gold distribution (including first turret bonus)
PROXIMITY RADIUS :: Champions within ||| 1000 >>> 1200 range of a turret are counted toward local turret gold distribution whether they assisted in the takedown or not
FUN FACT :: Turret plating already worked like this!
REMINDER :: Unlike champion takedowns, there’s no “assist gold” pool created when a turret falls. Local gold is split evenly among eligible allies regardless of who got the takedown.
Pinging these abilities will now let your team know which targets are in range!
Galio’s R - Hero’s Entrance
Nocturne’s R - Paranoia
Pantheon’s R - Grand Skyfall
Yasuo’s R - Last Breath
Caitlyn’s R - Ace in the Hole
Lux’s R - Final Spark
Twisted Fate’s R2 - Gate
Jhin’s W - Deadly Flourish and R - Curtain Call
Ziggs’ R - Mega Inferno Bomb
Xerath’s R - Rite of the Arcane
These frequently requested ping improvements give teammates more relevant information.
Draven’s Passive - Adoration: Current stacks
Heimerdinger’s Q - H-28G Evolution Turret: Number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available
Kassadin’s R - Riftwalk: Time until stacks expire if Kassadin is unable to cast Riftwalk due to having too many stacks
Kayn’s Passive - The Darkin Scythe: Time until other form is available if Kayn’s already unlocked a form
Kog’Maw’s R - Living Artillery: Time until stacks expire if Kog’Maw is unable to cast Living Artillery due to having too many stacks
Mordekaiser’s R - Children of the Grave: Remaining ghost duration
Nasus’s Q - Siphoning Strike: Current stacks
Soraka’s W - Astral Infusion: Now indicates when Soraka is unable to cast Astral Infusion due to having too little health
Veigar’s Passive - Phenomenal Evil Power: Current stacks
Smite, Challenging Smite & Chilling Smite: Amount of damage dealt to monsters
We’re improving the way the HUD communicates remaining duration for a bunch of abilities, which were previously tracked only via the little icons in your buff bar. The breakdown below was based more on what felt right than on immutable rules, but let us know if there are other abilities you think should get this treatment!
Alistar’s E - Trample and R - Unbreakable Will
Braum’s E - Unbreakable
Corki’s E - Gatling Gun
Dr. Mundo’s R - Sadism
Illaoi’s R - Leap of Faith
Jax’s R - Grandmaster’s Might
Karthus’s Passive - Death Defied
Kayle’s E - Righteous Fury
Master Yi’s R - Highlander
Miss Fortune’s W - Strut
Mordekaiser’s R - Children of the Grave ghost duration
Nasus’ R - Fury of the Sands
Olaf’s W - Vicious Strikes and R - Ragnarok
Rammus’ Q - Powerball, W - Defensive Ball Curl, and R - Tremors
Renekton’s R - Dominus
Rengar’s R - Thrill of the Hunt
Shyvana’s W - Burnout
Singed’s R - Insanity Potion
Sivir’s R - On the Hunt
Tristana’s Q - Rapid Fire
Tryndamere’s R - Undying Rage
Twitch’s Q - Ambush and R - Spray and Pray
Vayne’s Q - Tumble empowered attack window and R - Final Hour duration
Viktor’s R - Chaos Storm
Volibear’s R - Thunder Claws
Garen’s Q - Decisive Strike empowered attack window and movement speed
Gragas’s Q - Barrel Roll
Kassadin’s W - Nether Blade empowered attack window
Kha’Zix’s R - Void Assault
LeBlanc’s W - Distortion and R - Mimic’d Distortion return window
Volibear’s Q - Rolling Thunder empowered attack window and movement speed
Yasuo’s Q2 - Steel Tempest
Zed’s W - Living Shadow and R - Death Mark return window
Neeko’s minimap and announcement banner icons no longer gets stuck for enemies as the ally she transformed into if her Passive - Inherent Glamour breaks in fog of war
Varus’ E - Hail of Arrows slow zone VFX no longer fail to appear if Varus cast Hail of Arrows from fog of war
Sterak’s Gage’s tooltip now shows the exact amount of damage required to trigger its shield as well as the exact shield granted
Jarvan IV’s Passive - Martial Cadence no longer deals damage through Pantheon’s Passive - Aegis Protection
Death’s Dance no longer grants Urgot an excessive amount of healing against Tryndamere’s R - Undying Rage or Anivia’s Passive - Rebirth
Rengar’s hands once again glow when he reaches maximum Ferocity
Fixed Q - Savagery activation and trail VFX for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
Fixed Empowered Q - Savagery stab splash VFX for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
Fixed R - Thrill of the Hunt activation VFX for Headhunter and Night Hunter Rengar
Rengar’s target once again glows during R - Thrill of the Hunt for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
Zombie Brand’s VO lines no longer overlap
Battle Boss Ziggs’ R - Mega Inferno Bomb no longer uses classic VFX for long-range casts
Fixed an issue where Ranked Armor would occasionally appear blurry at some resolutions
Fixed summoner icons not being properly centered in Ranked Armor
Fixed the “Add Friend” button overlapping with the game header in lobby when looking for a match
Fixed Ranked Armor hiding the speech indication from League Voice when looking for a match: The armor’s faceplate will now be backlit when players are speaking
The following skins will be released this patch:
Blood Moon Pyke
Blood Moon Sivir
Blood Moon Aatrox
Blood Moon Aatrox Prestige Edition
The following chromas will be released this patch:
Read the first issue for free to dive into Ashe’s past Riot Games The first issue of the Ashe: Warmother comic collaboration with Marvel launchedWednesday morning for all to read. (That’s right, it’s online for free.) The comic is an origin story for League ’s iconic marksman, Ashe, as she learns how to be the leader the Freljord needs. The series starts with her reminiscing of her youth and her strong mother. Ashe wasn’t always the leader that she is in game now. League fans probably already know what this is leading to, as the Ashe you play as in the game is vastly different from the Ashe we see in the comic. We know that she’ll eventually have white hair and become the leader the Avarosan needs (and she’ll marry Tryndamere along the way) but the journey is the fun part. The next issue comes out on Jan. 16, 2019 and will have monthly releases continuing on. The comic will be available for physical purchase in May as a trade paperback.
Akali and Pyke nerfs! Riot Games The year is winding down and people are beginning to cozy up by the fireplace to celebrate the holidays. That doesn’t exclude Riot Games, which has dropped its last update of the year in the form of a tiny fix patch. All of the changes in here are balance tweaks. There’s no new mechanics, champions or even skins. Riot just wants to make sure that everything is in a good spot before we all take a break and get some well-deserved rest before the season 9 starts in January. Akali and Pyke are getting the most focus this patch, as the two have been trouble for quite a bit now. Akali is getting tweaks to her Twilight Shroud and Pyke is getting a number of changes. A handful of marksmen are getting buffed and some mages are getting nerfed, including Neeko. As usual, you can check out Riot’s full notes here and our tl;dr here . AKALI & PYKE AKALI Riot Games Akali can be more effectively counterattacked when revealing hers...
Watch Rewards aren’t just for Worlds anymore Riot Games Watch Rewards were introduced into League of Legends just last year as a part of the 2018 World Championships. They awarded players with a small amount of tokens for checking out games during Worlds. This year, Watch Rewards are back and there will be different versions for several of the world’s biggest leagues. The rewards this time around will include Emotes, Icons, XP, and Blue Essence. Just like during Worlds, players will be required to watch either live games or VoDs on after signing in with their League login information. Players will need to watch at least 10 minutes of a game or VOD in order to get credit for the missions. The rewards will be available in the following regions on the date listed: Brazil — Jan. 11 Turkey — Jan. 13 Latin America, Europe, North America, Oceania, and Japan — Jan. 17 According to Riot, the addition of Watch Rewards for the re...
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