
Watch Rewards are returning for the 2019 season

Watch Rewards aren’t just for Worlds anymore Riot Games Watch Rewards were introduced into  League of Legends  just last year as a part of the 2018 World Championships. They awarded players with a small amount of tokens for checking out games during Worlds. This year, Watch Rewards are back and there will be different versions for several of the world’s biggest leagues. The rewards this time around will include Emotes, Icons, XP, and Blue Essence. Just like during Worlds, players will be required to watch either live games or VoDs on  after signing in with their  League  login information. Players will need to watch at least 10 minutes of a game or VOD in order to get credit for the missions. The rewards will be available in the following regions on the date listed: Brazil — Jan. 11 Turkey — Jan. 13 Latin America, Europe, North America, Oceania, and Japan — Jan. 17 According to Riot, the addition of Watch Rewards for the re...

Yearly Prestige skins will be unlockable with Prestige Points

You won’t have to grind games, but you’ll have to grind at your job to afford these skins Riot Games Riot Games introduced Prestige skins, a type of skin only unlockable through grinding in events in 2018. For 2019, two Prestige versions of skins have appeared on the horizon: Blood Moon Aatrox and Firecracker Vayne. Riot announced in a post on Thursday that some of the Prestige skins will be unlockable  through a different method . Prestige Points will be earned whenever a player buys a bundle of loot boxes. Rather than plopping down and grinding day after day for tokens to exchange for these rare skins, players will have to invest some money into the game. These Prestige skins will be buyable for 100 points. Riot Mort  noted on Twitter  that there will be opportunities throughout the year for players to earn some Prestige Points for free, though not an entire skin’s worth of points. You can also  still roll Prestige skins through normal crafting means , t...

The Prestige Aatrox and Vayne skins don’t feel like a prestigious reward

Hopefully players will not have to grind out over 100 games to unlock these skins With the announcement of the Prestige version of Firecracker Vayne and the upcoming release of Blood Moon Aaatrox and the Prestige version of the skin, conversation among  League of Legends  players has focused on these golden skins. Originally introduced for the 2018 Worlds event, a Prestige version of the K/DA Kai’Sa skin was announced, with a new model who did look substantially different than her original form. Then came Prestige K/DA Akali for the Snowdown Showdown event shortly after Worlds. The golden Blood Moon Aatrox popped up on the Public Beta Environment in December and is awaiting release on live servers. Now, we have another Prestige skin, presumably for the Lunar Revel event that takes place at the end of January. The two skins are pretty different   Riot Games via Surrender@20 To get Akali and Kai’Sa’s skins, players had to buy a pass for 1650 RP and 1450 RP respecti...

Unlocking Sylas’s secrets: An interview with champion designer Squad5

We find out Sylas’s intended lane and a couple of saucy secrets After a cute and friendly chameleon, we weren’t sure where the chain champion would take  League of Legends . Would he be a malicious warden like Thresh, or a really nice guy who just happened to get wrapped up in an incident with some chains? The answer ended up somewhere in the middle. Sylas is one of the most interesting characters to come to Demacia in quite some time, as he’s looking to topple the entire structure and begin anew. We had the opportunity to conduct an interview over email with Blake “Squad5” Smith, the designer of Sylas, and covered everything from early iterations of his Hijack (which were  terrifying ), to the Twitter fans who have fallen in love with his extremely cut abs. The Rift Herald: What was the original inspiration for Sylas? Did he begin with a lore concept like “Demacian rebel” or “Spellthief”, or did you build his kit first and develop a story around the mechanics? Blake...

The Ornn shop is gone but his upgraded items aren’t

This way is better for everybody Riot Games Ornn’s ability to upgrade certain items and let his teammates do the same was always interesting, but never quite felt right. The upgrades were expensive and it was never clear when the best time to buy an upgrade was, versus simply buying another regular item. So in hopes of making Ornn’s interactions a little bit more clear, he’s getting some changes to the way his upgraded items work. The biggest of these changes: they’re free now. Yep, all Ornn has to do is hit level 13 and his items are automatically upgraded — he can have two upgraded items. Meanwhile, for his teammates, Ornn has to hit level 14 then he can start upgrading their items as well. For every level Ornn hits from 14 and up he gets one upgrade to use on an upgradable item that a teammate has. All he has to do is get within 600 range of the ally then click on them. Ornn’s allies can only have one upgraded item. It’s not quite clear if the player Ornn clicks on will g...

Valentine’s Day 2019: Heartbreaker Vi and Heartpiercer Fiora skins remind that love hurts

Heartbreaker Vi and Heartpiercer Fiora are the latest love themed skins Riot Games As if there wasn’t enough news already today — what with new patches, new skins and a new champion — Riot has also decided to announce this year’s Valentine’s Day skins for Vi and Fiora. Based on their titles, these two skins aren’t exactly the Heartseeker skins we’re used to. Vi’s new skin is called Heartbreaker Vi, and Fiora’s is Heartpiercer. The skins have a distinctly medieval feel to them with Fiora looking royal in a purple and red quilted dress and Vi suiting up in purple, red and gold armor. The splash even lets us know that’s the case as it features Fiora knighting Vi. This line of skins is for all things love in the  League of Legends  universe, so they should be out around Valentine’s Day. The themed skins have been released for all different kinds of champions, like Ashe, Lucian, Varus, Quinn and Orianna. Unfortunately for those fans prone to shipping, none of the officia...

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